Hi, I’m Erin!
I’m a 40 something lifelong fitness enthusiast that didn’t discover the true power of food until well into my late 30s. Through 1:1 coaching I help people learn to nourish their bodies and reclaim their health using whole foods as medicine.
I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by nutrition.
In 2018, I was two years postpartum with my second son and feeling really stuck. Although I was working out consistently, I still felt puffy and my clothes didn’t fit well. I was also experiencing gas and bloat after most meals, and the afternoon energy crash was happening daily. In hindsight, I’d been living with these issues long before having babies.
After hearing about Whole30 - an elimination diet that requires you to omit sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, legumes, alcohol, and processed food for 30 days - my husband and I decided to commit. It changed everything.
Prior to taking on this challenge, I was convinced I couldn’t cook. My idea of making a family dinner was an occasional veggie stir-fry or a vegan sausage heated in the microwave with a side of raw veggies and some tortilla chips.
Whole30 forced me out of my comfort zone - I had to cook in order to make sure I remained compliant. After a few weeks, I really started to enjoy cooking, and it has since become one of my most favorite pastimes and creative outlets. But the most profound change was the way my body felt! My jeans fit better, bloating and gas were greatly reduced, and I was no longer yawning my way to dinnertime.
I felt an intense pull to learn more about the power of food. I wanted to help people like me who thought they were doing all the right things but still felt discouraged. I wanted to help others get unstuck.
I spent three years delving deep into functional nutrition and learning how to encourage the body’s natural healing processes. This education has been invaluable in my own healing and has also given me the tools and knowledge to help others bring their bodies back into balance and make profound, sustainable lifestyle changes. I now work as a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
Other things I love besides analyzing health histories and creating healing protocols: running with my dog, cooking while listening to crime podcasts, going to Sacramento Kings games with my hubby, fresh pedicures, singing with my sibs, and reading bedtime stories with my two boys.

Let’s work together to take back your health!

M Y E D U C A T I O N :
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Holistic Health Coach
Nutritional Therapy Association, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Restorative Wellness Solutions, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Levels 1, 2 & 3